
Everything you need to know about the 2023 employee tax assessment

The 2023 employee tax assessment is just around the corner and it’s time to get to grips with this important process. Every year, you have the opportunity to reclaim overpaid taxes by submitting an employee tax assessment to the tax office. For many employees, this is an important opportunity to optimize their financial situation and gain an overview of their tax situation.

Like every year, 2023 brings new regulations and deadlines that need to be observed. Employers have until the end of February to submit pay slip data to the tax office. This data is the basis for the tax office to make tax calculations. By submitting the employee tax assessment, you can claim various expenses and thus obtain a tax credit or refund.

In this article, we will take a detailed look at all the relevant information, innovations and frequently asked questions relating to the 2023 employee tax assessment in Austria . Our aim is to give you a comprehensive overview so that you can make the most of employee tax assessment.

Tip: Get advice from us as your tax advisor in Austria.

Arbeitnehmerveranlagung 2023

Summary: Key takeaways from the 2023 employee tax assessment

The employee tax assessment offers numerous opportunities to save taxes and recover overpaid income tax. Here are the most important points to keep in mind:

  • Deadlines and dates: The submission must be made by 30.04.2024 at the latest if you submit the employee tax assessment manually. In the case of electronic submission via FinanzOnline, the deadline is extended until 30.06.2024 and, if the automatic extension is used, until 30.09.2024.
  • Automatic vs. manual assessment: If you do not submit an assessment, the tax office will carry out an application-free assessment based on data from the Federal Data Processing Center. You will automatically receive a credit note if you are entitled to one.
  • Obligation to submit: In certain cases, e.g. in the case of several employment relationships or pensions in the same year, there is an obligation to submit the employee tax assessment.
  • Checking deductible items: Before you submit your employee tax assessment, you should check whether certain deductible items such as the Family Bonus Plus or the commuter allowance have already been taken into account by your employer.

This summary gives you a quick overview of the basics of the 2023 employee tax assessment. Below we go into more detail to help you maximize your tax refund.

Overview of relevant deductions and allowances

Here is a clear overview of the important deductions and allowances that can be taken into account in the 2023 employee tax assessment:

  1. Family Bonus Plus

    • Type of deduction: Tax allowance for children
    • Amount: Up to EUR 2,000.00 per child under 18; EUR 650.00 for children over 18 in vocational training
    • Conditions: Must not have been considered in advance by the employer
  2. Single-earner/single-parent deduction

    • Type of deduction: Tax allowance
    • Amount: Variable, depending on the number of children and income
    • Conditions: Certain income limits must not be exceeded
  3. Commuter allowance and commuter euro

    • Type of deduction: Deductibility of travel costs to work
    • Amount: Depending on the distance between home and work
    • Conditions: Regular commuting to the workplace
  4. Home office flat rate

    • Type of deduction: Deductibility of home office costs
    • Amount: Lump sum of up to EUR 300.00 per year
    • Conditions: Costs for home office must have been demonstrably incurred

This list is a simplified representation of the various deductions and allowances that may be relevant for the 2023 employee tax assessment. It serves as a guide to understanding the various tax relief options.

What the tax office knows and what it doesn't know

For the 2023 employee tax assessment, it is important to understand what information the tax office already has and what information you need to provide yourself. This knowledge can make the submission process easier and ensure that you take advantage of all possible benefits.

The tax office already has access to a wide range of data, including:

  • Church contributions: These are automatically taken into account.
  • Donations: Also recorded by the tax office and do not have to be documented separately.
  • Special eco-expenditure allowance: For measures to promote the energy efficiency of private buildings.
  • Expenses for the subsequent purchase of insurance periods and voluntary continued insurance: This information is also available to the tax office.

However, there are also expenses that you must actively claim because the tax office is not automatically aware of them. These include, among others:

  • Work equipment: such as work clothing or specialist literature, unless reimbursed by the employer.
  • Training costs: directly related to your profession.
  • Special expenses: Which you request to be taken into account for another family member in order to optimize the tax burden.

By taking this information into account when submitting your employee tax return, you can ensure that you make the most of all relevant deductions and allowances.

Changes to the 2023 employee tax assessment

Every new year brings new regulations in tax law that are relevant for employee assessment. There are some changes for 2023 that you should be aware of in order to optimize your tax return and not miss out on any benefits.

  • Commuter allowance and commuter euro: One of the most significant changes in 2023 concerns the commuter allowance and the commuter euro. The increased rates during the pandemic expired in June 2023, and the pre-May 2022 rates will apply again from July 2023. This can have an impact on your tax refund, especially if you regularly commute long distances to work.

  • Home office regulations: The tax deduction options for home office costs introduced for 2021 have been made permanent. This includes both the costs of setting up a home office and the purchase of ergonomically suitable furniture, up to an amount of EUR 300.00 per year. This regulation benefits many people who are increasingly working from home due to the current labor market situation.

  • Training and further training costs: There are still opportunities to deduct training and further training costs. This applies not only to course costs, but also to travel costs, expenses for literature and other learning materials. This deductibility supports professional development and retraining, an important aspect in a rapidly changing world of work.

These changes to the 2023 employee tax assessment show how important it is to stay up to date and adapt your own tax affairs accordingly. They offer opportunities to reduce your tax burden and at the same time invest in your own professional future.

Important forms

  • Forms for employee tax assessment: The mention of specific forms (L 1, L 1k, L 1k-bF, L 1ab, L1HO, L1i) provides detailed insight into the documents required for various situations. This underlines the importance of familiarizing yourself with the correct forms to ensure a correct and complete submission.

  • Automatic reports to the tax office: The confirmation that certain expenses such as church contributions and donations are automatically reported is consistent with the information in the article. The additional information on special eco expenses from 2022 expands the understanding of what the tax office already knows.

  • Compulsory employee tax assessment: The detailed requirements for a mandatory assessment supplement the information in the article with important aspects that determine who must submit an employee assessment.

  • Advantages of online assessment: The source emphasizes the advantages of online tax assessment, such as the elimination of official channels and the possibility of calculating tax credits or back payments immediately. These aspects underline the convenience and efficiency of electronic submission.

  • Negative tax and income tax return (ESt-E): The explanations on negative tax and the conditions for the ESt-E offer added value for readers who have to deal with these special tax topics.

Conclusion: The benefits of a timely and correct employee tax assessment

The annual employee tax assessment is an important task for many employees in Austria an important opportunity to recover overpaid taxes and improve their financial situation. The year 2023 in particular brings with it a number of innovations that present both opportunities and challenges. Timely and correct submission of the employee tax assessment is essential in order to take full advantage of potential tax benefits.

The tax burden can be significantly reduced by observing the deadlines, utilizing all relevant deductions and allowances and adapting to the changes. In addition, the employee tax assessment offers the opportunity to claim specific life circumstances and changes, such as working from home or professional training, for tax purposes.

The importance of prudent planning and implementation of employee assessments cannot be overemphasized. It not only enables tax savings, but also promotes a proactive approach to one’s own finances. Ultimately, the employee tax assessment is a tool that is available to every employee in Austria to optimize and actively shape their financial situation.

It is always wise to consult a tax advisor to really make the most of everything.